Список всех HTML-тегов
Выбери год:
Добавлено в 2024
importmap: integrity
display_override: tabbed
a: attributionsrc
allow: compute-pressure
script: attributionsrc
template: shadowrootserializable
rel: expect
template: shadowrootclonable
Тег: writingsuggestions
allow: publickey-credentials-create
speculationrules: source key is optional
template: shadowrootdelegatesfocus
speculationrules: eagerness
speculationrules: expects_no_vary_search key
speculationrules: relative_to key
speculationrules: where
Добавлено в 2023
details: name
hr: hr in select
Тег: search
select: hr in select
allow: attribution-reporting
allow: speaker-selection
target: unfencedTop
Тег: fencedframe
fencedframe: allow
fencedframe: height
fencedframe: width
allow: browsing-topics
iframe: browsingtopics
button: popovertarget
button: popovertargetaction
input: popovertarget
input: popovertargetaction
Тег: popover
allow: storage-access
speculationrules: referrer_policy key
allow: identity-credentials-get
iframe: credentialless
Тег: launch_handler
launch_handler: client_mode
Добавлено в 2022
autocomplete: webauthn
allow: wildcards
autocomplete: webauthn
link: blocking
script: blocking
style: blocking
display_override: window-controls-overlay
type: speculationrules
allow: bluetooth
allow: local-fonts
speculationrules: prefetch
speculationrules: prerender
speculationrules: requires
requires: anonymous-client-ip-when-cross-origin
speculationrules: urls
sandbox: allow-top-navigation-to-custom-protocols
hidden: until-found value
Тег: file_handlers
Тег: inert
link: fetchpriority
script: fetchpriority
allow: window-management
form: rel
Добавлено в 2021
Тег: id
Тег: protocol_handlers
protocol_handlers: protocol
protocol_handlers: url
Тег: note_taking
note_taking: new_note_url
allow: idle-detection
Тег: virtualkeyboardpolicy
allow: gamepad
template: shadowrootmode
a: attributionsourceid
Тег: autocorrect
allow: hid
allow: serial
type: importmap
Тег: display_override
Тег: description
Добавлено в 2020
allow: cross-origin-isolated
allow: web-share
Тег: portal
allow: otp-credentials
Тег: shortcuts
allow: publickey-credentials-get
allow: screen-wake-lock
sandbox: allow-downloads
a: hreftranslate
a: URL text fragments
Добавлено в 2019
allow: xr-spatial-tracking
video: Aspect ratio computed from width and height attributes
allow: display-capture
iframe: loading
Тег: enterkeyhint
Тег: share_target
video: playsinline
autocomplete: new-password
autocomplete: new-password
a: target="_blank" implies rel="noopener" behavior
area: target="_blank" implies rel="noopener" behavior
type_range: Tick mark support
name: color-scheme
link: imagesizes
link: imagesrcset
Тег: exportparts
Тег: part
Добавлено в 2018
allow: picture-in-picture
script: referrerpolicy
referrerpolicy: no-referrer-when-downgrade
referrerpolicy: origin-when-cross-origin
referrerpolicy: unsafe-url
Тег: serviceworker
serviceworker: scope
serviceworker: src
serviceworker: use_cache
autocomplete: one-time-code
autocomplete: one-time-code
video: disablepictureinpicture
sandbox: allow-orientation-lock
Тег: is
allow: ambient-light-sensor
allow: magnetometer
sandbox: allow-storage-access-by-user-activation
allow: autoplay
allow: document-domain
allow: geolocation
allow: midi
Добавлено в 2017
name: theme-color
allow: fullscreen
allow: camera
allow: encrypted-media
allow: microphone
iframe: csp
script: nomodule
nonce: nonce hiding behavior
iframe: allow
allow: payment
allow: usb
iframe: allowpaymentrequest
audio: controlslist
href: data: and javascript: urls are not allowed
sandbox: allow-top-navigation-by-user-activation
video: controlslist
allow: accelerometer
allow: gyroscope
rel: modulepreload
Тег: inputmode
type: module
type_password: Special handling of password inputs in insecure login pages
rowspan: rowspan attribute with value 0 (extend to the end of the row group)
audio: disableremoteplayback
video: disableremoteplayback
Добавлено в 2016
summary: display: list-item
autoplay: Autoplay requires muted attribute or no audio track
sandbox: allow-presentation
Тег: slot
slot: name
Тег: slot
Тег: scope
a: referrerpolicy
referrerpolicy: no-referrer-when-downgrade
referrerpolicy: origin-when-cross-origin
referrerpolicy: unsafe-url
area: referrerpolicy
referrerpolicy: no-referrer-when-downgrade
referrerpolicy: origin-when-cross-origin
referrerpolicy: unsafe-url
iframe: referrerpolicy
referrerpolicy: no-referrer-when-downgrade
referrerpolicy: origin-when-cross-origin
referrerpolicy: unsafe-url
link: referrerpolicy
referrerpolicy: no-referrer-when-downgrade
referrerpolicy: origin-when-cross-origin
referrerpolicy: unsafe-url
contenteditable: plaintext-only
link: as
rel: preload
preload: as-fetch
preload: as-font
preload: as-image
preload: as-script
preload: as-style
preload: as-track
select: autocomplete
textarea: autocomplete
rel: noopener
rel: noopener
Добавлено в 2015
sandbox: allow-modals
sandbox: allow-popups-to-escape-sandbox
Тег: background_color
Тег: theme_color
link: integrity
script: integrity
title: Multi-line titles
Тег: prefer_related_applications
Тег: related_applications
rel: preconnect
source: sizes
source: srcset
input: minlength
textarea: minlength
Добавлено в 2014
rel: manifest
Тег: display
display: browser
display: fullscreen
display: minimal-ui
display: standalone
Тег: icons
Тег: name
Тег: orientation
Тег: short_name
Тег: start_url
Тег: rtc
Тег: picture
Тег: dialog
dialog: open
Тег: nonce
audio: crossorigin
video: crossorigin
Добавлено в 2013
iframe: allowfullscreen
Тег: data
data: value
area: download
Тег: main
Тег: template
input: capture
link: crossorigin
Добавлено в 2012
sandbox: allow-pointer-lock
type_range: Vertically-oriented range sliders
placeholder: Line breaks in placeholder
Тег: autofocus
link: sizes
pre: wrap
Тег: track
track: default
track: kind
track: label
track: src
track: srclang
iframe: srcdoc
Тег: translate
href: href = 'sms:'
ol: reversed
input: type="color"
script: crossorigin
sandbox: allow-popups
input: dirname
name: referrer
textarea: dirname
Тег: bdo
Добавлено в 2011
Тег: bdi
wrap: hard
audio: muted
Тег: autocapitalize
a: download
rel: prerender
Тег: details
details: open
Тег: summary
fieldset: disabled
fieldset: name
form: autocomplete
input: autocomplete
input: list
input: mozactionhint
textarea: wrap
source: height
source: width
form: novalidate
select: required
Тег: hidden
button: form
button: formaction
button: formmethod
button: formnovalidate
button: formtarget
Добавлено в 2010
input: type="date"
input: type="datetime-local"
input: type="month"
input: type="week"
Тег: output
output: for
output: form
output: name
Тег: figcaption
Тег: figure
input: type="number"
input: webkitdirectory
Тег: mark
Тег: data-* attributes
Тег: meter
meter: high
meter: low
meter: max
meter: min
meter: optimum
meter: value
Тег: progress
progress: max
progress: value
button: formenctype
Тег: time
time: datetime
rel: noreferrer
area: rel
rel: noreferrer
sandbox: allow-top-navigation
input: formaction
input: formenctype
input: formmethod
input: formtarget
video: muted
Тег: article
Тег: aside
Тег: footer
Тег: header
iframe: sandbox
sandbox: allow-forms
sandbox: allow-same-origin
sandbox: allow-scripts
input: step
input: type="search"
Тег: nav
Тег: section
Тег: hgroup
input: formnovalidate
input: max
input: min
input: pattern
input: required
textarea: maxlength
textarea: placeholder
textarea: required
Добавлено в 2009
input: type="time"
canvas: moz-opaque
input: placeholder
input: type="tel"
input: multiple
Добавлено в 2008
href: href = '#top'
body: bottommargin
body: leftmargin
body: rightmargin
body: topmargin
Тег: plaintext
script: async
tbody: char
td: char
tfoot: char
th: char
thead: char
tr: char
tr: charoff
rel: rel="alternate stylesheet"
rel: dns-prefetch
Тег: datalist
Тег: audio
audio: autoplay
audio: controls
audio: loop
audio: preload
audio: src
input: type="range"
Тег: source
source: media
source: src
source: type
Тег: video
video: autoplay
video: controls
video: height
video: loop
video: poster
video: preload
video: src
video: width
Добавлено в 2007
href: Relative URIs.
col: char
col: charoff
colgroup: char
colgroup: charoff
script: defer
Добавлено в 2006
rel: prefetch
textarea: spellcheck
Тег: draggable
Тег: spellcheck
rel: icon
Добавлено в 2005
Тег: tabindex
Тег: canvas
canvas: height
canvas: width
Добавлено в 2004
a: ping
Тег: abbr
area: ping
Тег: base
base: href
base: target
Тег: big
Тег: blockquote
blockquote: cite
body: alink
body: background
body: bgcolor
body: link
body: text
body: vlink
br: clear
button: disabled
button: name
button: type
button: value
Тег: caption
caption: align
Тег: center
Тег: cite
Тег: code
Тег: col
col: align
col: span
col: valign
col: width
Тег: colgroup
colgroup: align
colgroup: span
colgroup: valign
colgroup: width
Тег: dd
Тег: del
del: cite
del: datetime
Тег: dfn
Тег: dir
dir: compact
div: align
Тег: dl
Тег: dt
Тег: em
Тег: embed
embed: align
embed: height
embed: name
embed: src
embed: type
embed: width
Тег: fieldset
fieldset: form
Тег: font
font: color
font: face
font: size
Тег: form
form: accept-charset
form: action
form: enctype
form: method
form: name
form: target
Тег: frame
frame: frameborder
frame: marginheight
frame: marginwidth
frame: name
frame: noresize
frame: scrolling
frame: src
Тег: frameset
frameset: cols
frameset: rows
hr: align
hr: color
hr: noshade
hr: size
hr: width
Тег: iframe
iframe: align
iframe: frameborder
iframe: height
iframe: longdesc
iframe: marginheight
iframe: marginwidth
iframe: name
iframe: scrolling
iframe: src
iframe: width
input: type="email"
Тег: ins
ins: cite
ins: datetime
Тег: kbd
Тег: label
label: for
li: type
li: value
Тег: link
link: charset
link: disabled
link: href
link: hreflang
link: media
link: rev
link: target
link: type
meta: charset
meta: content
meta: http-equiv
http-equiv: content-language
http-equiv: content-security-policy
http-equiv: content-type
meta: name
meta: scheme
Тег: nobr
Тег: noembed
Тег: noframes
Тег: noscript
Тег: object
object: archive
object: border
object: classid
object: codebase
object: codetype
object: data
object: declare
object: form
object: height
object: name
object: standby
object: type
object: usemap
object: width
Тег: ol
ol: compact
ol: start
ol: type
optgroup: disabled
Тег: option
option: disabled
option: label
option: selected
option: value
Тег: param
param: name
param: type
param: value
param: valuetype
Тег: pre
pre: width
Тег: q
q: cite
Тег: s
Тег: samp
Тег: script
script: src
script: type
select: disabled
select: form
select: multiple
select: name
select: size
Тег: small
Тег: strike
Тег: strong
Тег: sub
Тег: sup
tbody: align
tbody: charoff
tbody: valign
td: align
td: charoff
td: valign
Тег: textarea
textarea: cols
textarea: disabled
textarea: form
textarea: name
textarea: readonly
textarea: rows
tfoot: align
tfoot: charoff
tfoot: valign
th: align
th: charoff
th: valign
thead: align
thead: charoff
thead: valign
tr: align
tr: valign
Тег: tt
Тег: ul
ul: compact
ul: type
Тег: var
Тег: xmp
Тег: accesskey
Тег: class
Тег: dir
Тег: lang
Тег: title
Добавлено в 2003
Тег: a
a: charset
a: coords
a: href
a: hreflang
a: name
a: rel
a: rev
a: shape
a: target
a: type
Тег: acronym
Тег: address
Тег: area
area: alt
area: coords
area: href
area: nohref
area: shape
area: target
Тег: b
Тег: body
Тег: br
Тег: button
Тег: div
Тег: h1
Тег: h2
Тег: h3
Тег: h4
Тег: h5
Тег: h6
Тег: head
head: profile
Тег: html
html: version
html: xmlns
Тег: i
Тег: input
input: type="button"
input: type="checkbox"
input: type="file"
input: type="image"
input: type="radio"
input: type="reset"
input: type="submit"
input: type="text"
input: type="url"
link: rel
Тег: map
map: name
Тег: meta
http-equiv: refresh
Тег: p
Тег: span
Тег: table
table: align
table: bgcolor
table: border
table: cellpadding
table: cellspacing
table: frame
table: rules
table: summary
table: width
Тег: tbody
tbody: bgcolor
Тег: td
td: abbr
td: axis
td: bgcolor
td: colspan
td: headers
td: rowspan
td: scope
td: width
Тег: tfoot
tfoot: bgcolor
Тег: th
th: abbr
th: axis
th: bgcolor
th: colspan
th: headers
th: rowspan
th: scope
th: width
Тег: thead
thead: bgcolor
Тег: tr
tr: bgcolor
Тег: u
Тег: id
Тег: style
Добавлено в 2001
input: accept
input: usemap
Тег: legend
legend: align
Тег: menu
Добавлено в 2000
Тег: hr
input: align
input: alt
input: checked
input: disabled
input: form
input: maxlength
input: name
input: readonly
input: size
input: src
Тег: li
marquee: hspace
marquee: loop
marquee: vspace
Тег: optgroup
optgroup: label
Тег: wbr
Тег: contenteditable
Добавлено в 1999
Тег: rb
Тег: rp
Тег: rt
Тег: ruby
Добавлено в 1997
marquee: truespeed
Добавлено в 1996
Тег: style
style: media
style: type
input: type="hidden"
Тег: select
Добавлено в 1995
input: type="password"
Тег: marquee
marquee: behavior
marquee: bgcolor
marquee: direction
marquee: height
marquee: scrollamount
marquee: scrolldelay
marquee: width
Тег: title